Is that Plunger Really Going to Solve Your Clogged Toilet Problems?
If you had a plumbing problem, would you know what to do to remedy the situation? Most people try to solve plumbing issues on their own, but this can end up costing a lot more money than paying for a service call. While some household plumbing problems, like a clogged toilet or a leaky faucet, you may be able to fix on your own it is recommended that you call a plumbing company in Chandler for most plumbing problems.
To Plunge or Not to Plunge. . . That Is the Question
Every household has a plunger. It is that tool that usually is tucked away under the sink or placed in a hidden corner of the bathroom. It is only touched when it’s needed to take care of a nasty job. Although the plunger does its job well, the truth is that the plunger is really only qualified to handle minor clogs. If toilet stoppages in your home are rare, then your plunger will probably take care of the problem. However, if you need to plunge your toilet at least once a day, it’s time to call for help.
Sometimes the reason for the stoppage or clog isn’t what it appears to be. If you recently installed a new toilet, it may have been hooked up incorrectly. It is also possible that something was flushed down the toilet that shouldn’t have been. This could be a toy, a wash rag, feminine products, etc. Whether the piping is installed wrong or an unknown object was flushed down the toilet, you’ll need something more powerful than an ordinary, household plunger to take care of the problem.
Video Plumbing Technology Saves Homeowners Money
When you call a plumber to come to your home, they will probably show up with a vehicle equipped with video plumbing technology. This innovative technology uses a tiny camera that is threaded into your drains to see exactly what is causing the problem. Cameras help plumbers identify obstructions, corrosion, breakages, and even improperly installed piping. The benefit of video plumbing technology for homeowners includes the following:
You get to sit with the plumber and see everything they see on the live feed. This puts you in control.
Video plumbing technology reduces the need for “search and destroy” exploratory methods. With cameras, the plumber does not have to break apart walls or jack hammer concrete to find the source of the problem.
You save money.
The cost savings alone is what makes this technology so valuable to homeowners. In most cases, a plumber will offer a free video inspection as part of the service package to fix the problem. If they don’t offer this service for free upfront, ask if they have any new customer specials or look for another company that does.
To learn more about our toilet repair and replacement services, drain cleaning, and other plumbing repairs, call us today to schedule an appointment.
Tags: Drain Cleaning, Toilets